Loop over a Foreach Expression using Futures
foreach %dofuture% expr
A foreach
object created by foreach::foreach()
and foreach::times()
An R expression.
The value of the foreach call.
This is a replacement for %dopar%
of the foreach package
that leverages the future framework.
When using %dofuture%
there is no need to use registerDoFuture()
there is no need to use %dorng%
of the doRNG package
(but you need to specify .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)
whenever using random numbers in the expr
global variables and packages are identified automatically by the future framework
errors are relayed as-is (with %dopar%
they captured and modified)
When using %dofuture%
, the future framework identifies globals and
packages automatically (via static code inspection). However, there
are cases where it fails to find some of the globals or packages. When
this happens, one can specify the future::future()
arguments globals
and packages
via foreach argument .options.future
. For example,
if you specify argument
.options.future = list(globals = structure(TRUE, ignore = "b", add = "a"))
then globals are automatically identified (TRUE
), but it ignores b
always adds a
An alternative to specifying the globals
and the packages
options via
, is to use the %globals%
and the %packages%
See the examples for an illustration.
For further details and instructions, see future::future()
The %dofuture%
uses the future ecosystem to generate proper random
numbers in parallel in the same way they are generated in, for instance,
future.apply. For this to work, you need to specify
.options.future = list(seed = TRUE)
. For example,
y <- foreach(i = 1:3, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
Unless seed
, this guarantees that the exact same
sequence of random numbers are generated given the same initial
seed / RNG state - this regardless of type of future backend, number of
workers, and scheduling ("chunking") strategy.
RNG reproducibility is achieved by pregenerating the random seeds for all iterations by using L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG streams. In each iteration, these seeds are set before evaluating the foreach expression. Note, for large number of iterations this may introduce a large overhead.
If seed = TRUE
, then .Random.seed
is used if it holds a L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed, otherwise one is created
If seed = FALSE
, it is expected that none of the foreach iterations
use random number generation.
If they do, then an informative warning or error is produces depending
on settings. See future::future for more details.
Using seed = NULL
, is like seed = FALSE
but without the check
whether random numbers were generated or not.
As input, seed
may also take a fixed initial seed (integer),
either as a full L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed (vector of 1+6 integers), or
as a seed generating such a full L'Ecuyer-CMRG seed. This seed will
be used to generated one L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG stream for each iteration.
An alternative to specifying the seed
option via .options.future
is to use the %seed%
operator. See
the examples for an illustration.
For further details and instructions, see
Whether load balancing ("chunking") should take place or not can be
controlled by specifying either argument
.options.future = list(scheduling = <ratio>)
.options.future = list(chunk.size = <count>)
to foreach()
The value chunk.size
specifies the average number of elements
processed per future ("chunks").
If +Inf
, then all elements are processed in a single future (one worker).
, then argument future.scheduling
is used.
The value scheduling
specifies the average number of futures
("chunks") that each worker processes.
If 0.0
, then a single future is used to process all iterations;
none of the other workers are not used.
If 1.0
, then one future per worker is used.
If 2.0
, then each worker will process two futures (if there are
enough iterations).
If +Inf
, then one future per iteration is used.
The default value is scheduling = 1.0
For further details and instructions, see
Attribute ordering
of chunk.size
or scheduling
can be used to
control the ordering the elements are iterated over, which only affects
the processing order and not the order values are returned.
This attribute can take the following values:
index vector - an numeric vector of length nX
function - an function taking one argument which is called as
and which must return an
index vector of length nX
, e.g.
function(n) rev(seq_len(n))
for reverse ordering.
- this will randomize the ordering via random index
vector sample.int(nX)
where nX
is the number of foreach iterations to be done.
For example,
.options.future = list(scheduling = structure(2.0, ordering = "random"))
Note, when elements are processed out of order, then captured standard output and conditions are also relayed in that order, that is, out of order.
For further details and instructions, see
How to report on progress is a frequently asked question, especially in long-running tasks and parallel processing. The foreach framework does not have a built-in mechanism for progress reporting(*).
When using doFuture, and the Futureverse in general, for
processing, the progressr package can be used to signal progress
updates in a near-live fashion. There is special argument related to
or doFuture to achieve this. Instead, one calls a
a, so called, "progressor" function within each iteration. See
the progressr
package and its vignette(package = "progressr")
for examples.
(*) The legacy doSNOW package uses a special foreach()
that can be used to make a progress update
each time results from a parallel workers is returned. This approach
is limited by how chunking works, requires the developer to set that
argument, and the code becomes incompatible with foreach adaptors
registered by other doNnn packages.
# \donttest{
plan(multisession) # parallelize futures on the local machine
y <- foreach(x = 1:10, .combine = rbind) %dofuture% {
y <- sqrt(x)
data.frame(x = x, y = y, pid = Sys.getpid())
#> x y pid
#> 1 1 1.000000 3076530
#> 2 2 1.414214 3076530
#> 3 3 1.732051 3076535
#> 4 4 2.000000 3076533
#> 5 5 2.236068 3076532
#> 6 6 2.449490 3076536
#> 7 7 2.645751 3076537
#> 8 8 2.828427 3076534
#> 9 9 3.000000 3076531
#> 10 10 3.162278 3076531
## Random number generation
y <- foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = rbind, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
data.frame(i = i, random = runif(n = 1L))
#> i random
#> 1 1 0.5162133
#> 2 2 0.2298679
#> 3 3 0.6735465
## Random number generation (alternative specification)
y <- foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = rbind) %dofuture% {
data.frame(i = i, random = runif(n = 1L))
} %seed% TRUE
#> i random
#> 1 1 0.28884821
#> 2 2 0.05377184
#> 3 3 0.50333004
## Random number generation with the foreach() %:% nested operator
y <- foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = rbind) %:%
foreach(j = 3:5, .combine = rbind, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
data.frame(i = i, j = j, random = runif(n = 1L))
#> i j random
#> 1 1 3 0.17985091
#> 2 1 4 0.73555548
#> 3 1 5 0.01429241
#> 4 2 3 0.02869343
#> 5 2 4 0.22387862
#> 6 2 5 0.70946015
#> 7 3 3 0.81536051
#> 8 3 4 0.78141131
#> 9 3 5 0.19762740
## Random number generation with the nested foreach() calls
y <- foreach(i = 1:3, .combine = rbind, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
foreach(j = 3:5, .combine = rbind, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
data.frame(i = i, j = j, random = runif(n = 1L))
#> i j random
#> 1 1 3 0.70081206
#> 2 1 4 0.37090526
#> 3 1 5 0.41776469
#> 4 2 3 0.37090526
#> 5 2 4 0.41776469
#> 6 2 5 0.07387902
#> 7 3 3 0.41776469
#> 8 3 4 0.07387902
#> 9 3 5 0.18763806
# }